Gospel Explorations
A weekly podcast designed to dive deep into God’s Word and help answer the hard questions that life throws at us from a biblical perspective.
23 episodes
022: Matthew 5:17-20
There is a lot of confusion concerning Christ and the Law, yet He clearly lays out for us in Matthew 5:17-20 his relationship to the Law. Christ came not to abolish or to destroy the law, but rather to fulfill it. In so doing, he met the ...
Season 1
Episode 22

021: Matthew 5:13-16
Some of the most powerful pictures in all of the Sermon on the Mount are found in Matthew 5:13-16—salt and light! Jesus communicated so much in such a succinct way as he called his disciples to be both salt and light in the world. The implicati...
Season 1
Episode 21

020: Matthew 5:9-12
We wrap up the beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount as we look at vv. 9-12. We've been called to be peacemakers and share the good news with others so that they will be at peace with God. Yet, what does it look like when we are persecuted for ...
Season 1
Episode 20

019: Matthew 5:7-8
Pastor Mark takes a look at vv. 7-8 of Matthew 5 and discusses the call to be merciful and how the pure in heart are blessed as they shall see God. We look forward to having you join us for our walk through Matthew's gospel.
Season 1
Episode 19

018: Matthew 5:5-6
Pastor Mark looks at the second duplet of the beatitudes and delves into the truth about meekness and hungering after righteousness. Each of the beatitudes helps us get a more nuanced and better picture of what a follower of Jesus ought to look...
Season 1
Episode 18

017: Matthew 5:3-4
Pastor Mark starts with the first two beatitudes in today's episode. The spiritual truths that are contained in these simple phrases, which many of us are familiar with, are profound to the Christian life: the poor in spirit shall receive the k...
Season 1
Episode 17

016: Matthew 5:1-2
Join Pastor Mark as he looks at the first couple verse of Matthew 5 and lays the foundation and introduction for Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Without a doubt, Matthew 5-7 is one of the most truth-packed sections of Scripture as we have recorded ...
Season 1
Episode 16

015: Matthew 4:18-25
In this episode, Pastor Mark wraps us Matthew 4 as he looks to see Jesus calling his disciples to become fishers of men. The point is made that we all must leave things behind, in order to follow after Christ. Are you a follower who immediately...
Season 1
Episode 15

014: Matthew 4:12-17
Pastor Mark looks at the next section of Matthew 4 and discusses the beginning of Jesus' ministry in Galilee as He returns to the area following John the Baptist's arrest. Additionally, the emphasis is made on the fulfilled prophecy found in Is...
Season 1
Episode 14

013: Matthew 4:5-11
Pastor Mark discusses the last two temptations of Christ in the wilderness and emphasizes again that the Word of God is the promised solution to overcome temptation in our own lives. Be encouraged to know that God has equipped you in His Word w...
Season 1
Episode 13

012: Matthew 4:1-4
We find the temptation of Jesus immediately on the heels of His baptism. This is an important reminder to us that spiritual highs do not insulate us from future spiritual struggles. Yet, as Pastor Mark points out, the beauty of this passage is ...
Season 1
Episode 12

011: Matthew 3:13-17
Grab your Bible and join Pastor Mark as he takes a look at the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. This is one of the few places in Scripture where all three persons of the Godhead are concurrently expressed and manifest. Jesus was baptized, ...
Season 1
Episode 11

010: Matthew 3:7-12
Pastor Mark examines John's confrontation of the religious leaders in Jesus' day and his call to them to repent for salvation apart from their familial ties to Abraham. Ultimately, the passage ends with a reminder that the wheat and chaff will ...
Season 1
Episode 10

009: Matthew 3:1-6
Join Pastor Mark as we meet John the Baptist. He's eccentric, different, and the exact person that God knew was needed to make preparations for Jesus as the Messiah. Come along for this quick introduction to John's ministry and learn how God us...
Season 1
Episode 9

008: Matthew 2:19-23
Pastor Mark wraps up Matthew chapter 2 by looking at the return of Joseph, Mary, and the Christ child to Israel from Egypt and considers the implications of settling down in the insignificant town of Nazareth.
Season 1
Episode 8

007: Matthew 2:13-18
Pastor Mark pauses to consider Joseph's immediate obedience to flee with his family to Egypt and how God in His sovereignty provided a way of escape to thwart Herod's plans. Ultimately, yet again, more prophecies are fulfilled as Jesus and his ...
Season 1
Episode 7

006: Matthew 2:7-12
Join Pastor Mark as he continues to work through Matthew's gospel. In this episode, he takes time to consider Herod's attempt to convince the magi to return to inform him of the Christ child and how the Lord directed them to keep moving in orde...
Season 1
Episode 6

005: Matthew 2:1-6
Pastor Mark takes time to discuss the characters found in Matthew 2: Herod, the Chief Priests, scribes, and the wise men. The nuance and subtleties found in this story are remarkable, especially when one considers how the magi from the east pla...
Season 1
Episode 5

004: Matthew 1:22-25
Pastor Mark wraps up the last few verses of Matthew 1 and recaps what has been uncovered already. In addition, we are reminded as this first chapter comes to a close, that Jesus' arrival was the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy and pointed dire...
Season 1
Episode 4

003: Matthew 1:18-21
Pastor Mark walks through Matthew's record concerning Joseph's turmoil and decision as to how to handle the situation of his betrothed wife, Mary, being pregnant in first century Jewish culture. We wrap up our conversation at verse 21, where th...
Season 1
Episode 3

002: Matthew 1:2-17
Pastor Mark takes an in-depth look at the genealogical record given in Matthew 1 and discusses the implications of the names there and how it relates to Christ's claims as the Messiah and King. Additionally, some encouraging truths are revealed...
Season 1
Episode 2